Chevrolet Trax Owners & Service Manuals

Chevrolet Trax: Turbocharger removal

Special Tool

EN-49942 Holding Wrench

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

Fig. 261: Holding Wrench And Ratchet Wrench
Fig. 261: Holding Wrench And Ratchet Wrench

  1. Install the EN-49942 holding wrench (2) to the turbocharger coolant feed pipe. Guide a ratchet wrench (1) along with an extension through EN-49942 holding wrench to the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow screw.

Fig. 262: Ratchet Wrench, Holding Wrench And Coolant Feed Pipe
Fig. 262: Ratchet Wrench, Holding Wrench And Coolant Feed Pipe

NOTE: EN-49942 holding wrench (2) should be installed to turbocharger coolant feed pipe as shown. The holding wrench should be installed to avoid twist of the turbocharger coolant feed pipe during the loosening procedure.

  1. Loosen the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow screw with ratchet wrench and extension (1).

Fig. 263: Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe
Fig. 263: Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe

  1. Remove the turbocharger coolant feed pipe hollow screw (3) and the 2 seal rings (1) and (2).
  2. Disconnect the turbocharger oil return pipe (4) from the engine block.

Fig. 264: Turbocharger Oil Feed Pipe Components
Fig. 264: Turbocharger Oil Feed Pipe Components

  1. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe bolt (5) from the oil cooler.
  2. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe hollow screw (4) and the 2 seal rings (1) and (3) and close the screw bore in the turbocharger.
  3. Remove the turbocharger oil feed pipe (2) and the rubber seal ring.
  4. Disconnect the turbocharger coolant return hose (6) from the oil cooler coolant inlet pipe and remove the turbocharger coolant return pipe bolt (7) from the oil cooler.

Fig. 265: Turbocharger Nuts
Fig. 265: Turbocharger Nuts

  1. Remove the 8 turbocharger nuts (1).

Fig. 266: Turbocharger Assembly And Turbocharger Gasket
Fig. 266: Turbocharger Assembly And Turbocharger Gasket

  1. Remove the turbocharger assembly (1) and the turbocharger gasket (2).


Fig. 267: Locating Engine Oil Cooler Components
Fig. 267: Locating Engine Oil Cooler Components

  1. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet hose clamp (1).
  2. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet hose (2) from engine coolant thermostat housing.
  3. Remove the oil cooler coolant inlet hose clamp (3).
  4. Remove the oil cooler coolant inlet hose (4) from water outlet.
  5. Remove the oil cooler coolant outlet pipe bolt (7).
  6. Remove the 3 oil cooler bolts (5).
  7. Remove the engine oil cooler assembly (6) and the 2 oil cooler sealings (8) and (9).


Fig. 268: Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing
Fig. 268: Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing

  1. Remove the 3 engine coolant thermostat housing bolts (1).
  2. Remove the engine coolant thermostat housing (2) and the engine coolant thermostat housing seal ring (3).


Fig. 269: Water Outlet, Bolts And Seal Ring
Fig. 269: Water Outlet, Bolts And Seal Ring

  1. Remove the 3 water outlet bolts (3).
  2. Remove the water outlet (2) and the water outlet seal ring (1).


Fig. 270: Drive Belt Tensioner And Bolts
Fig. 270: Drive Belt Tensioner And Bolts

CAUTION: The drive belt tensioner must always be in a pre-tensioned state and must never be free from tension. If the drive belt tensioner is free from the belt tension, it must always stay fixed with an appropriate locking pin. Failure to follow this instruction will lead to a damage of the drive belt tensioner.

  1. Remove the upper drive belt tensioner bolt (2).
  2. Remove the lower drive belt tensioner bolt (3).
  3. Remove the drive belt tensioner (1).


Fig. 271: Power Steering Pump Bracket/Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket And Bolts
Fig. 271: Power Steering Pump Bracket/Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket And Bolts

  1. Remove the 3 air conditioning compressor bracket bolts (1).
  2. Remove the air conditioning compressor bracket (2).


Fig. 272: Water Pump Pulley
Fig. 272: Water Pump Pulley

  1. Loosen the 3 water pump pulley bolts (2) while holding up the water pump pulley hub with a wrench.
  2. Remove the 3 water pump pulley bolts (2).
  3. Remove the water pump pulley (1).


Special Tools

  • EN-956-1 Extension
  • EN-49979 Crankshaft Shock Mount Retainer

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

  1. Install EN-49979 retainer to EN-956-1 extension.

Fig. 273: Crankshaft Balancer, Retainer And Extension
Fig. 273: Crankshaft Balancer, Retainer And Extension

NOTE: The crankshaft balancer can be incorrectly installed 180º from the required position. Be sure to note the location of the alignment hole on the crankshaft balancer prior to removing the crankshaft balancer from the engine.

  1. Loosen the crankshaft balancer bolt (4) while fixing the crankshaft balancer (3) with EN-49979 retainer (1) and EN-956-1 extension (2).

Fig. 274: Crankshaft Balancer And Bolt
Fig. 274: Crankshaft Balancer And Bolt

  1. Remove and DISCARD the crankshaft balancer bolt (2).
  2. Remove the crankshaft balancer (1).


Fig. 275: Water Pump, Gasket And Bolts
Fig. 275: Water Pump, Gasket And Bolts

  1. Remove the 5 short water pump bolts (4) and the 5 long water pump bolts (3).
  2. Remove the water pump (2).
  3. Remove the water pump gasket (1).


Fig. 276: Throttle Body And Bolts
Fig. 276: Throttle Body And Bolts

  1. Remove the 4 throttle body bolts (3).
  2. Remove the throttle body (2) and the throttle body seal ring (1).


Fig. 277: Intake Manifold Bolts
Fig. 277: Intake Manifold Bolts

NOTE: Intake manifold bolts remain in intake manifold screw bores.

  1. Remove the 6 intake manifold bolts (1).

Fig. 278: Intake Manifold
Fig. 278: Intake Manifold

  1. Remove the intake manifold (1) along with the intake manifold gasket.


Fig. 279: Generator And Bolts
Fig. 279: Generator And Bolts

  1. Remove the 2 generator bolts (2).
  2. Remove the generator (1).


Fig. 280: Starter, Bolt, Stud And Washer
Fig. 280: Starter, Bolt, Stud And Washer

  1. Remove the upper starter bolt (2) and if equipped the washer (1).
  2. Remove the lower starter bolt stud (3) and if equipped the washer.
  3. Remove the starter (4).


Special Tools

EN-652 Flywheel Holder

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools

Fig. 281: Engine Flywheel And Holder
Fig. 281: Engine Flywheel And Holder

  1. Install EN-652 holder (1) to hold the engine flywheel (2).

Fig. 282: Engine Flywheel And Bolts
Fig. 282: Engine Flywheel And Bolts

  1. Remove and DISCARD the 6 engine flywheel bolts (2).
  2. Remove the engine flywheel (1).


Special Tools

EN-6009 Remover and Installer Ignition Module

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

Fig. 283: Ignition Coil Bolts
Fig. 283: Ignition Coil Bolts

  1. Remove the 2 ignition coil bolts (1).

Fig. 284: Ignition Coil And Remover/Installer
Fig. 284: Ignition Coil And Remover/Installer

  1. Install EN-6009 remover and installer (2) and remove the ignition coil (1).


Fig. 285: Engine Oil Level Indicator
Fig. 285: Engine Oil Level Indicator

  1. Remove the oil level indicator (1).

Fig. 286: Camshaft Cover And Gasket
Fig. 286: Camshaft Cover And Gasket

  1. Remove the 15 camshaft cover bolts (1).
  2. Remove the camshaft cover (2) and the camshaft cover gasket (3).


Fig. 287: Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Bolts
Fig. 287: Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Bolts

  1. Remove the 4 camshaft position actuator solenoid valve bolts (1).

Fig. 288: Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve And Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
Fig. 288: Intake Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve And Exhaust Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve

  1. Move the intake camshaft position actuator solenoid valve (1) carefully counter clockwise in the position shown.
  2. Move the exhaust camshaft position actuator solenoid valve (2) carefully clockwise in the position shown.

Fig. 289: Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valves And Seal Rings
Fig. 289: Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valves And Seal Rings

CAUTION: The camshaft position actuator solenoid valves must be kept parallel to the engine front cover during removal and installation. The camshaft position actuator solenoid valves can be damaged if they become wedged or stuck during this process.

  1. Carefully remove the 2 camshaft position actuator solenoid valves (2) and the seal rings (1).


Fig. 290: Oil Pan Bolts
Fig. 290: Oil Pan Bolts

  1. Remove the 16 oil pan bolts (1).

Fig. 291: Oil Pan Prying Area
Fig. 291: Oil Pan Prying Area

CAUTION: Pry the oil pan carefully in order to prevent damage to the transaxle case or the oil pan sealing surfaces.

  1. Place a suitable prying tool to the area shown (1) and carefully pry the oil pan loose.

Fig. 292: Oil Pan
Fig. 292: Oil Pan

  1. Remove the oil pan (1).


  1. Set engine to TDC. Refer to Camshaft Timing Chain Inspection.

Fig. 293: M6, M10 Front Cover Bolts And Engine Front Cover
Fig. 293: M6, M10 Front Cover Bolts And Engine Front Cover

  1. Remove the 13 engine front cover bolts M6 (1).
  2. Remove the 2 engine front cover bolts M10 (2).
  3. Remove the engine front cover.


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