Chevrolet Trax Owners & Service Manuals

Chevrolet Trax: Crankshaft and bearing installation

Special Tools

  • EN-235-6 Installer from EN-235-D Kit.
  • EN-470-B Angular Torque Wrench
  • EN-658-1 Installer from EN-658 Kit

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

  1. Lubricate crankshaft, crankshaft bearings and crankshaft bearing cap tie plate with engine oil.

Fig. 385: Crankshaft, Upper Crankshaft Bearings And Upper Crankshaft Thrust Bearing
Fig. 385: Crankshaft, Upper Crankshaft Bearings And Upper Crankshaft Thrust Bearing

  1. Install the 4 upper crankshaft bearings (2) and the crankshaft thrust bearing (3).
  2. Install the crankshaft (1).

Fig. 386: Sealing Compound Application Area
Fig. 386: Sealing Compound Application Area

NOTE: The thickness of the sealing bead should be 2 mm (0.0787 in).

  1. Apply sealing compound (1) to the outer rim of the groove on the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate. Refer to Adhesives, Fluids, Lubricants, and Sealers.

Fig. 387: Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate
Fig. 387: Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate

NOTE: The complete installation procedure should not take longer than 10 minutes.

  1. Install the 4 lower crankshaft bearings (3) and the lower crankshaft thrust bearing (4).
  2. Install the crankshaft bearing cap tie plate (2).

NOTE: Do not reuse the old bolts.

  1. Install the 10 NEW inner crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts (1).

Fig. 388: Inner Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolts Tightening Sequence
Fig. 388: Inner Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolts Tightening Sequence

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution .

CAUTION: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution .

  1. Tighten the 10 inner crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts in the sequence shown and to the following specifications:
  1. Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).
  2. Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts an additional 60 degrees. Use EN-470-B wrench.
  3. Tighten the inner crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts an additional 15 degrees. Use EN-470-B wrench.

Fig. 389: Outer Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolts
Fig. 389: Outer Crankshaft Bearing Cap Tie Plate Bolts

NOTE: Do not reuse the old bolts.

  1. Install the 12 NEW outer crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts (1) and tighten to the following specification:
  1. Tighten the outer crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts to 10 N.m (89 lb in).
  2. Tighten the outer crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts an additional 60 degrees. Use EN-470-B wrench.
  3. Tighten the outer crankshaft bearing cap tie plate bolts an additional 15 degrees. Use EN-470-B wrench.

Fig. 390: Crankshaft Position Sensor, Bolt And Seal Ring
Fig. 390: Crankshaft Position Sensor, Bolt And Seal Ring

  1. Install the crankshaft position sensor (1) and a NEW crankshaft position sensor seal ring (2).
  2. Install the crankshaft position sensor bolt (3) and tighten to 8 N.m (71 lb in).

Fig. 391: Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal
Fig. 391: Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal

  1. Slide the crankshaft rear oil seal (2) across the EN-235-6 installer (1) contained in EN-235-D kit.

Fig. 392: Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal And Installer
Fig. 392: Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal And Installer

  1. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal (1) with EN-235-6 installer (2) to the crankshaft.

Fig. 393: Oil Seal Installer
Fig. 393: Oil Seal Installer

NOTE: Ensure that the crankshaft rear oil seal fits proper.

  1. Use EN-658-1 installer (2) to strike the crankshaft rear oil seal (1)


Special Tools

EN-470-B Angular Torque Wrench

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools.

Fig. 394: Piston Ring Joint Adjustment Points
Fig. 394: Piston Ring Joint Adjustment Points

  1. Adjust the piston ring joints as follows:


  1. Upper compression ring (1).
  2. Lower compression ring (4).
  3. Oil rings (2) or (3).
  4. Oil ring spacer (5)

Fig. 395: Rods And Arrow On Piston Head
Fig. 395: Rods And Arrow On Piston Head

  1. The arrow (1) on the piston head must point to the timing side.
  2. The markings on the connecting rods (2) must point to the transmission side.

Fig. 396: Pistons, Connecting Rods And Bearings
Fig. 396: Pistons, Connecting Rods And Bearings

  1. Install a piston ring compressor to compress the piston rings.
  2. Install the pistons (1) in along with connecting rods (2) and upper connecting rod bearings (3) to the engine block and to the crankshaft.

Fig. 397: Rod Bearing Caps And Bolts
Fig. 397: Rod Bearing Caps And Bolts

NOTE: The flarings (arrows) on the connecting rod bearing caps must point to the transmission side. The connecting rod bearing caps must be installed in their original position.

  1. Install the 2 connecting rod bearings and the 2 connecting rod bearing caps (2) of cylinder 1 and 4.

CAUTION: Refer to Fastener Caution

CAUTION: Refer to Torque-to-Yield Fastener Caution .

NOTE: Do not reuse the old bolts.

  1. Install the 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap bolts (1) and tighten in the following sequence:
  1. Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).
  2. Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts an additional 45 degrees. Use EN-470 B wrench
  1. Rotate the crankshaft 180 degrees.

Fig. 398: Rod Bearing Caps And Bolts
Fig. 398: Rod Bearing Caps And Bolts

NOTE: The flarings (arrows) on the connecting rod bearing caps must point to the transmission side. The connecting rod bearing caps must be installed in their original position.

  1. Install the 2 connecting rod bearings and the 2 connecting rod bearing caps (2) of cylinder 3 and 2.

NOTE: Do not reuse the old bolts.

  1. Install the 4 NEW connecting rod bearing cap bolts (1) and tighten in the following sequence:
  1. Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts to 25 N.m (18 lb ft).
  2. Tighten the connecting rod bearing cap bolts an additional 45 degrees. Use EN-470-B wrench.


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