Chevrolet Trax Owners & Service Manuals

Chevrolet Trax: Fuels in Foreign Countries

Use of the recommended fuel is an important part of the proper maintenance of this vehicle. When driving in the U.S. and Canada, to help keep the engine clean and maintain optimum vehicle performance, we recommend using TOP TIER Detergent Gasolines.


Use regular unleaded gasoline meeting ASTM specification D4814 with a posted octane rating of 87 or higher. Do not use gasoline with an octane rating below 87; as it may cause engine damage and will lower fuel economy.

Use of Seasonal Fuels

Use summer and winter fuels in the appropriate season. The fuels industry automatically modifies the fuel for the appropriate season.

If fuel is left in the vehicle tank for long periods of time, driving or starting could be affected. Drive the vehicle until the fuel is at one-half tank or less, then refuel with the current seasonal fuel.

Prohibited Fuels

Gasolines containing oxygenates such as ethers and ethanol, as well as reformulated gasolines, are available in some cities. If these gasolines comply with the previously described specification, then they are acceptable to use.

However, E85 (85% ethanol) and other fuels containing more than 15% ethanol must be used only in FlexFuel vehicles.


Do not use fuel containing methanol. It can corrode metal parts in the fuel system and also damage plastic and rubber parts.

That damage would not be covered under the vehicle warranty.

Some gasolines, mainly high octane racing gasolines, can contain an octane-enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT). Do not use gasolines and/or fuel additives with MMT as they can reduce spark plug life and affect emission control system performance. The malfunction indicator lamp may turn on. If this occurs, see your dealer for service.

Fuels in Foreign Countries

If planning to drive in countries outside the U.S. or Canada, the proper fuel might be hard to find.

Check regional auto club or fuel retail brand websites for availability in the country where driving. Never use leaded gasoline, fuel containing methanol, manganese, or any other fuel not recommended. Costly repairs caused by use of improper fuel would not be covered by the vehicle warranty.

Fuel Additives

To keep fuel systems clean, TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline is recommended.

If TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline is not available, one bottle of Fuel System Treatment PLUS added to the fuel tank at every engine oil change, can help. Fuel System Treatment PLUS is the only gasoline additive recommended by General Motors. It is available at your dealer.


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