Chevrolet Trax Owners & Service Manuals

Chevrolet Trax: Checking Injector Resistance

If a short in an injector coil winding is constant, an ohmmeter will accurately identify the lower resistance. The same is true with an open winding. Unfortunately, an intermittent short is an exception. A faulty injector with an intermittent short will show "good" if the ohmmeter cannot force the short to occur during testing.

Alcohol in fuel typically causes an intermittent short, happening only when the injector coil is hot and loaded by a current high enough to jump the air gap between two bare windings or to break down any oxides that may have formed between them.

When you measure resistance with an ohmmeter, you are only applying a small current of a few milliamps. This is nowhere near enough to load the coil sufficiently to detect most problems. As a result, most resistance checks identify intermittently shorted injectors as being normal.

There are two methods to get around this limitation. The first is to purchase an tool that checks injector coil windings under full load. The Kent-Moore J-39021 is such a tool, though there are others. The Kent-Moore costs around $240 at the time of this writing and works on many different manufacturer's systems.

The second method is to use a lab scope. Remember, a lab scope allows you to see the regular operation of a circuit in real time. If an injector is having an short or intermittent short, the lab scope will show it.

Checking Available Voltage At the Injector

Verifying a fuel injector has the proper voltage to operate correctly is good diagnostic technique. Finding an open circuit on the feed circuit like a broken wire or connector is an accurate check with a DVOM.

Unfortunately, finding an intermittent or excessive resistance problem with a DVOM is unreliable.

Let's explore this drawback. Remember that a voltage drop due to excessive resistance will only occur when a circuit is operating? Since the injector circuit is only operating for a few milliseconds at a time, a DVOM will only see a potential fault for a few milliseconds. The remaining 90+% of the time the unloaded injector circuit will show normal battery voltage.

Since DVOMs update their display roughly two to five times a second, all measurements in between are averaged. Because a potential voltage drop is visible for such a small amount of time, it gets "averaged out", causing you to miss it.

Only a DVOM that has a "min-max" function that checks EVERY MILLISECOND will catch this fault consistently (if used in that mode). The Fluke 87 among others has this capability.

A "min-max" DVOM with a lower frequency of checking (100 millisecond) can miss the fault because it will probably check when the injector is not on. This is especially true with current controlled driver circuits. The Fluke 88, among others fall into this category.

Outside of using a Fluke 87 (or equivalent) in the 1 mS "min-max" mode, the only way to catch a voltage drop fault is with a lab scope. You will be able to see a voltage drop as it happens.

One final note. It is important to be aware that an injector circuit with a solenoid resistor will always show a voltage drop when the circuit is energized. This is somewhat obvious and normal; it is a designed-in voltage drop. What can be unexpected is what we already covered--a voltage drop disappears when the circuit is unloaded. The unloaded injector circuit will show normal battery voltage at the injector. Remember this and do not get confused.

Checking Injector On-Time With Built-In Function

Several DVOMs have a feature that allows them to measure injector on-time (mS pulse width). While they are accurate and fast to hookup, they have three limitations you should be aware of:

  • They only work on voltage controlled injector drivers (e.g "Saturated Switch"), NOT on current controlled injector drivers (e.g. "Peak & Hold").
  • A few unusual conditions can cause inaccurate readings.
  • Varying engine speeds can result in inaccurate readings.

Regarding the first limitation, DVOMs need a well-defined injector pulse in order to determine when the injector turns ON and OFF. Voltage controlled drivers provide this because of their simple switch-like operation. They completely close the circuit for the entire duration of the pulse. This is easy for the DVOM to interpret.

The other type of driver, the current controlled type, start off well by completely closing the circuit (until the injector pintle opens), but then they throttle back the voltage/current for the duration of the pulse. The DVOM understands the beginning of the pulse but it cannot figure out the throttling action. In other words, it cannot distinguish the throttling from an open circuit (de-energized) condition.

Yet current controlled injectors will still yield a millisecond on-time reading on these DVOMs. You will find it is also always the same, regardless of the operating conditions. This is because it is only measuring the initial completely-closed circuit on-time, which always takes the same amount of time (to lift the injector pintle off its seat). So even though you get a reading, it is useless.

The second limitation is that a few erratic conditions can cause inaccurate readings. This is because of a DVOM's slow display rate; roughly two to five times a second. As we covered earlier, measurements in between display updates get averaged. So conditions like skipped injector pulses or intermittent long/short injector pulses tend to get "averaged out", which will cause you to miss important details.

The last limitation is that varying engine speeds can result in inaccurate readings. This is caused by the quickly shifting injector on-time as the engine load varies, or the RPM moves from a state of acceleration to stabilization, or similar situations. It too is caused by the averaging of all measurements in between DVOM display periods. You can avoid this by checking on-time when there are no RPM or load changes.

A lab scope allows you to overcome each one of these limitations.

Checking Injector On-Time With Dwell Or Duty

If no tool is available to directly measure injector millisecond on-time measurement, some techs use a simple DVOM dwell or duty cycle functions as a replacement.

While this is an approach of last resort, it does provide benefits. We will discuss the strengths and weaknesses in a moment, but first we will look at how a duty cycle meter and dwell meter work.

How A Duty Cycle Meter and Dwell Meter Work

All readings are obtained by comparing how long something has been OFF to how long it has been ON in a fixed time period. A dwell meter and duty cycle meter actually come up with the same answers using different scales. You can convert freely between them. See RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DWELL & DUTY CYCLE READINGS TABLE.

The DVOM display updates roughly one time a second, although some DVOMs can be a little faster or slower.

All measurements during this update period are tallied inside the DVOM as ON time or OFF time, and then the total ratio is displayed as either a percentage (duty cycle) or degrees (dwell meter).

For example, let's say a DVOM had an update rate of exactly 1 second (1000 milliseconds). Let's also say that it has been measuring/tallying an injector circuit that had been ON a total of 250 mS out of the 1000 mS. That is a ratio of one-quarter, which would be displayed as 25% duty cycle or 15º dwell (six-cylinder scale). Note that most duty cycle meters can reverse the readings by selecting the positive or negative slope to trigger on. If this reading were reversed, a duty cycle meter would display 75%.


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